Are there times when you're so consumed with a stressful situation that you wished you could tune it out for awhile so you could concentrate on other things... besides the stress and anxiety? It seems no matter how hard you try, stress and anxiety overpower you.
Recently, we had one of our client change the name of the Happy Dots to "Rhett Butler Dots". I was confused at the name change until he explained, "When I have my Happy Dots in, I feel like Rhett Butler from Gone With the Wind...frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about my stress." He went on to explain that the stress that was consuming him day after day was now manageable. The stress was still there but, it wasn't the focus of his life. His body could handle the stress. He was now in control because - "after all tomorrow is another day". We all desire freedom in our life. This country was founded on that desire. Yet many are held "captive" in their own bodies due to stress, anxiety or even depression which sometimes leads to looking for something to relieve them of these feeling. They don't want these things anymore, but are unable to find a way out. Day after day they yearn for freedom from the bondage that is created by these imbalances.
The Happy Dots are here to help fight the "war" on stress. It's a tool to help you gain your independence back and help you build the life you know you are capable of living. Nothing should take your freedom away, especially stress. This is your life. Regain your independence. Let Happy Dots help you. Don't you just love it when everything seems to be going good in your life when all off a sudden you swear you can hear Bobby McFerrin singing in your head..."Don't Worry...Be Happy!" The problem is that usually another part of your head is only hearing the word 'Worry'. No matter how hard you try, worry begins to overtake you. How could this be when everything around you is going great? I get asked this question a lot in my office.
Happy Dots help the mind tone down the worry monster without making you a drone. By activating the dots on the ear, your body learns to release it's own chemicals associated with feeling safe and secure - the major reason most people worry in the first place. As you rub your ear with the auricular therapy dots, you feel a sense of relief from worry stress and can now enjoy the good things happening in your life. You are now able to concentrate on the best parts of your life with gratitude. With the warmer weather, anticipation is high for the final countdown to the end of school. If you are a kid, it is the final stretch to summer freedom. As a parent, well, it usually comes with mixed feelings: happy to see that your child has achieve another academic year and in the same moment feeling overwhelmed in how to entertain you offspring during the day when you use to have time for yourself to accomplish your routines and tasks.
With kids under foot, sometimes the "happy stress" can change quickly into "frazzled stress" especially when you hear the words "I'm bored!" from one of your kids. As you look at our list of things to do for the day, you quickly realize bored is a made up word that children use to torture adults. Do not fear...happy dots are here! Many parents love to come in an have auricular therapy done, especially during the summer months. They find they have a much more pleasant experience with their kids being home all day. With a happy parent with happy dots to shave off the top level of stress during the summer, life is much better! Each morning, we wake up to a new day. We may have plans. We may decide to be spontaneous. The fact is, in our entire life, no two days will be the same - no matter how hard we try.
With this in mind, our bodies try to help us experience joy throughout the day, even if it isn't exactly how we planned it. This is usually how it goes within the mind:
See the pattern. Pretty much anything we do, the brain wants to reward us so we can be happy (or happier). For some people, they will turn to an outside source thinking it will reward them, like alcohol, drugs, nicotine or even food. When an addiction is addressed and stopped (like drugs abuse for example), some people will turn to another "Reward" like nicotine. For someone getting off nicotine, they may turn to food. To stop this cycle, the dopamine pathways need to be reset. This can be done with auricular therapy. There's a reason we call the dots we use in Auricular Therapy as Happy Dots. By stimulating the nerve endings in the ear, the body realizes the reward center is already satisfied by releasing its' own chemicals and wont be looking elsewhere to find a reward. Here in the Rocky Mountains we are not only surrounded by the beauty of the majestic mountains but also by the many college and university campuses which bring a wide variety of students from all over the world. No matter where they come from, there is one common thread that is shared among students... the dreaded anxiety associated with test taking.
For many students, handling anxiety while test taking can be the difference between passing or failing the class. Even if the information has been studied extensively, the stress in taking the test can override all that hard work. Fortunately, many have found relief with Auricular Therapy (Happy Dots.) By using the body's natural ability to create its own Serotonin, Dopamine, and Endorphins, the student is now able to concentrate on what is really important instead of the anxiety. They will come in a day or two before their test. They find that their test taking experience is much better. In our modern society, we seem to be always on the go. Even when we have time to "relax" we find our minds going over our daily to do list or inventory of all the things we should be doing but we haven't gotten around to even starting.
It seems as if our mind has a mind of its' own. Even when sleep is desired, the chatter in the head is still buzzing around. Wish you could relax your world...the natural way? Now you can. With the help of Auricular Therapy, it helps the body to balance out the noise and sort out what is important for that moment. It takes worry and stress and sets it aside so you can be in a total relaxed state. And most of all, enjoy the relaxation your body deserves. Day after day there are those who feel that each day is like Friday the 13th - full of unknowns. Even when they try to structure their day with good intentions, the day unravels in frustration and dis pare.
You may not be able to control every aspect of the day, but you are able to take steps in order to go through it with confidence. You don't have to experience another scary day alone. Do not fear...happy dots are here! When the body has help in relieving tension with Auricular Therapy, it is easier to focus on the things that are truly important and leave the fear behind. An addiction, craving or habit can then be addressed with the knowledge that, even though every part of the day may bring surprises, they will not overcome you. So, make this your Lucky Day! Our choices are very important in maintaining a balance of health. Our body releases serotonin, dopamine and endorphins on its' own. However, sometimes our choices and circumstances can lead to a lack in these chemicals. For example:
When low levels of these chemicals are reached, it can create excess cravings, stress, anxiety & even depression. It can leave us unmotivated and unwilling to correct the behavior that created the imbalance in the first place. The Happy Dots help to raise the body's levels of the "feel good" chemicals and bring back life to things that seemed impossible before. Motivation returns and the mental processing returns to set a clear path in what is really desired and attainable. If you have been struggling to get motivated, let Happy Dots help. We don't call them Happy Dots for nothing :) When someone hears the word STRESS, it is usually associated with the word "BAD". Yet, many clients I encounter everyday do not suffer from bad stress, but from "BUSY" stress. Their days are filled with so many good things that it becomes very stressful trying to accomplish everything on their to do list.
They find themselves not being able to concentrate on the simplest things. Even though they are accomplishing much, they frantically go from task to task mentally worn out from anxiety and stress. We find out they aren't stressed...they're frazzled! Auricular Therapy helps calm the body and mind allowing focus to return to what is really important. |