With the warmer weather, anticipation is high for the final countdown to the end of school. If you are a kid, it is the final stretch to summer freedom. As a parent, well, it usually comes with mixed feelings: happy to see that your child has achieve another academic year and in the same moment feeling overwhelmed in how to entertain you offspring during the day when you use to have time for yourself to accomplish your routines and tasks.
With kids under foot, sometimes the "happy stress" can change quickly into "frazzled stress" especially when you hear the words "I'm bored!" from one of your kids. As you look at our list of things to do for the day, you quickly realize bored is a made up word that children use to torture adults. Do not fear...happy dots are here! Many parents love to come in an have auricular therapy done, especially during the summer months. They find they have a much more pleasant experience with their kids being home all day. With a happy parent with happy dots to shave off the top level of stress during the summer, life is much better! |
Judy (Moss) Anderson
I've been helping thousands of people, just like you become relaxed and stress free with "Happy Dots" (auricular therapy). Archives
February 2020
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