Are there times when you're so consumed with a stressful situation that you wished you could tune it out for awhile so you could concentrate on other things... besides the stress and anxiety? It seems no matter how hard you try, stress and anxiety overpowers you.
For many years, Auricular Therapy has been used to help retrain the body to handle stress and anxiety. Many people have referred to the metal dots used in this procedure as Happy Dots". Come join us as we share the journey. Learn more here |
Judy (Moss) Anderson
I've been helping thousands of people, just like you become relaxed and stress free with "Happy Dots" (auricular therapy). Archives
February 2020
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Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. COPYRIGHT IDEAL BODYWORKS, LLC 2008-2024 |